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Writing or Video?

As of today, I think I would feel more comfortable writing for digital media. It is way easier in my opinion to just have to write than creating and doing everything that goes into making videos. Despite this, I do like being in front of the camera, especially when I’m reading my own writing on sports. I had a taste of it when I visited Dean College over the summer to try their summer pre-college sports broadcasting camp for a day to see if I’d be interested in doing the full week next summer. They had us make a script for a 60-second sports update on a city of our choosing, and it was really fun to read it off a teleprompter on camera.

Despite this experience, it is definitely easier and more comfortable for me to just have to worry about writing.The differences that come with writing for online media versus print media such as length and hooks is something that I try to think about while writing for the audience that reads my articles about sports.

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